consultants/directors: average dollar per face page
this page has been created especially for you, the professional makeup consultant, to:
- help you get the most out the academy
- help you skyrocket your business!
- let you see that as your knowledge and skills grow, your average sale per face increases!
our ultimate goal is to help you make C-R-A-Z-Y money in your business by increasing your average sale per face.
please use this tool often to keep track of how your business is progressing. if your average sale per face is NOT increasing, take the time to stop, review, and think about what you need to learn and practice to change that.
remember: there are other consultants who would love to talk about it and help you…and we’re here too!
one more thing: if you accidentally log the wrong number, simply click on the “x” to the right of the number and you can delete it. keep in mind: you can only delete the last number you entered, so be sure to check and double check 🙂
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