robert report: latest and greatest…

We all know how amazing the series of Robert Jones Makeup Makeover books are and Robert’s latest is no exception (and in my humble opinion is the most informative to date).

As a makeup artist and makeup lover in general I can spend hours soaking in all the information Makeup Makeovers in 5, 10, 15 and 20 – Expert Secrets for Stunning Transformations has to offer and I am certain that you, too, will be ultra-impressed.

I learn so much from all the Robert Jones Beauty Academy videos, but it is really nice to have an actual text at your fingertips once in awhile for quick reference.In the many years that I have been a MUA (makeup artist) one of the most frequently asked questions posed to me is how to look great in a minimal amount of time and finally I have the answers!

makeup makeovers in 5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes

To do just a bit of bragging on behalf of Robert Jones (he would never do this himself) – you may be interested to know that Makeup Makeovers in 5, 10, 15, and 20 was released in January 2012 and broke all the records for makeup artistry books, selling out completely in three short weeks. The publisher was so desperate to fill his orders that he borrowed thousands of copies from Robert’s personal supply! While the book is currently in reprint, the only place to get one is on the Robert Jones website.

Last but not least, Pro Series courses at last on the way – How to Build Your Makeup Kit, How to Make Your Kit Travelproof, and How to Prepare for a Job – to name a just a few. I know how anxious you all are to get started and I am right there with you!

Yours in Beauty,