
level one: blemishes before you start: view all getting started and perfecting foundation courses. remember that each course builds on the one before it…so you’ll want to make sure you understand and know how to apply each lesson before moving on. what you’ll need: concealer with a dry texture and a depth level that is […]

under-eye puffiness

level one: under-eye puffiness before you start: view all getting started videos as well as the perfecting foundation video. what you’ll need: foundation beauty blender or makeup sponge highlighting pen about this video: under-eye puffiness needs to be addressed quite differently than under-eye discoloration. in this video you will actually learn a technique that “outsmarts” […]

perfecting foundation

level one: perfecting foundation before you start: view all getting started videos, as well as under-eye discoloration, hyper-pigmentation, rosacea, and veins course videos. what you’ll need: moisturizer concealer translucent powder (like alison raffaelle) foundation (you may want to have a few different shades on hand for stripe testing. you can also gather up a few […]


level one: veins before you start: view all “getting started” courses. what you’ll need: concealer foundation beauty blender or makeup sponge concealer #50 or precise concealing brush about this video: veins can vary in texture, color and size. learning how to cover veins can be simple but there are several specific rules to make your […]


level one: rosacea before you start: view all “getting started” courses. what you’ll need: yellow-based concealer foundation beauty blender or makeup sponge about this video: rosacea is a skin condition that causes redness and often roughness of the skin. there are various degrees of rosacea; therefore, the techniques for coverage will vary. not only will […]


level one: hyper-pigmentation/ melasma/ brown spots/ pregnancy masking before you start: view all “getting started” courses. just a reminder: each course builds on the one before it so make sure you master (don’t forget to practice!) each lesson before going on to the next 🙂 what you’ll need: concealer foundation loose powder beauty blender or […]

under-eye discoloration

level one: under-eye discoloration before you start: view all “getting started” courses. at this level, each course builds on the one before it, so try not to skip around! what you’ll need: moisturizer concealer foundation beauty blender or makeup sponge concealer #50 pointed concealer #53 about this video: learning to cover under-eye discoloration can be […]

color theory

level one: color theory before you start: make sure you have watched the other videos in the getting started series first: beginning to beautiful, product knowledge, the words, and the tools. what you’ll need: good lighting be ready to take notes! about this video: this video is all about color theory. most color theory videos […]

the tools

level one: the tools before you start: gather up all your brushes, sponges and beauty paraphernalia. take a good inventory of what you have and what you might need in the very near future! what you’ll need: pencil/pen paper about this video: just like a painter selects the right brush to create the perfect stroke, […]

the words

level one: the words before you start: take a deep breath and hold it for 30 seconds…release…now you are ready!! what you’ll need: pencil/pen paper about this video: mastering the art of makeup application begins with knowing the basic terms. this course will cover the most commonly used words and their definitions. knowing and understanding […]

product knowledge

level one: product knowledge before you start: take a few minutes and gather up the products you are currently using. hang on to your favorite, BUT be prepared to toss, dump and ditch!!! what you’ll need: pencil/pen paper about this video: with so many products out there, it sometimes seems hard to know how to […]