wearable smoky eye: real girl

level two: wearable smoky eye: real girl before you start: if it has been awhile since you have reviewed previous courses, be sure to brush up before beginning the smoky eye videos! what you’ll need: shimmering creme highlight eyeshadow shimmering beige highlight eyeshadow (in this video it is sparkling wheat) matte midtone in a flesh-toned […]

basic blush bronzer: real girl

level one: basic blush bronzer: real girl before you start: view all getting started, skin, brow, basic eyeshadow, eyeliner and lash courses. what you’ll need: powder blush powder bronzer blush brush bronzer brush about this video: nothing instantly brightens and livens up the face quicker than blush and bronzer. learn the do’s and dont’s of […]

basic eyeshadow: real girl

level one: basic eyeshadow: real girl before you start: view and understand all getting started, skin, and brow courses. prep your (or your model’s) skin. this video only focuses on the basic eye application. what you’ll need: concealer eyeshadow – creme highlight shade eyeshadow – highlight shade eyeshadow – midtone shade eyeshadow – contour shade […]

lashes: real girl

level one: lashes before you start: view all getting started, skin, brow, basic eyeshadow and eyeliner courses. what you’ll need: eyelash curler mascara eyelash comb about this video: thick, long, dark lashes are the finishing touch to beautiful shadow and lining applications – plus I’m ADDICTED to lashes! I constantly state that lashes are the […]

under-eye discoloration: real girl

level one: under-eye discoloration: real girl before you start: view all “getting started” courses. at this level, each course builds on the one before it, so try not to skip around! what you’ll need: moisturizer concealer foundation beauty blender or makeup sponge concealer #50 pointed concealer #53 about this video: learning to cover under-eye discoloration […]

how to choose foundation: real girl

bonus video: how to choose foundation: real girl about this video: oh the pain of trying to pick out the right foundation! then you finally make a decision, shell out your $$ for it, take it home, and try it on… only to discover it is the wrong color! rest assured you are not alone! […]

beginning to beautiful: real girl

level one: beginning to beautiful: real girl before you start: prepare yourself to be open and ready to learn new, amazing makeup techniques…or just be reminded of the incredible power of makeup. important: this video is an overview of the entire makeup application process. each stage of application will be broken down and discussed further […]