robert jones beauty academy: class schedule

the robert jones beauty academy class schedules are designed to help you get the most out of the academy. the focus is taking each course segment a week at a time to give you the time you need to practice and absorb what you learn.

we highly suggest that you purchase a three-ring binder to keep your class syllabus, your class schedule, and any notes you take in. it may be nice to have another binder on hand just for your downloadable course materials!!

let’s get started now!!!

if you are brand new to the academy, simply click on the apprentice level button below and print out the apprentice level class schedule. once printed, we highly recommend putting it in the front of your binder, along with the apprentice level class syllabus.

if you have already completed the entire apprentice level course, simply print out the master class schedule next, and so on as you reach each new course level.

apprentice master class working like a pro